Newspaper Closing - Advertisers Fair Game?

    • 49 posts
    May 3, 2018 4:14 AM PDT

    We have a local newspaper - actually a company that owns four papers that have a circulation of over 60,000 weekly. It's a small "free" paper delivered to homes and placed at stores for pickup. The news content wasn't that high but advertisers would buy ads just because of the circulation in four or five counties. Of course our radio stations cover 18 counties, so there's no competition as far as coverage. 

    They are closing the doors after 80 years. 

    Would you consider it fair game to approach their sales staff and offer them jobs? and also go after those closed accounts to get them involved in radio? s

    I see an opportunity here but want to approach this in the correct manner. Thoughts? 

    • 118 posts
    May 4, 2018 8:25 AM PDT

    YES! Approach them. All of those dollars and all those relationships will go somewhere so why not you?

    Not all newspaper folks make great radio salespeople. Some have a difficult time with intangibles such as spoken versus written and some have difficulty not having the precise reach but estimated reach. If you can help them past these two hurdles with clarity, they would likely jump on the opportunity to move over to radio. We all know the investment we make developing clients and earning their trust. Versus starting anew at another paper elsewhere, they can salvage these clients and move them to radio. I'd also mention they bring a fresh insight to your existing salespeople on the strengths and weaknesses of print. They might just help you being a more competitive player in the market in addition to bringing in the billing to carry their weight.

    At one station we hired a sales rep from the local paper. To help her transition we suggested radio was like writing that paper in school that you had to read to the class. In radio we act out the words in their full written meaning to communicate the written word. Luckily she had taken speech in high school and easily made the transition. 

    I always view salespeople this way: it takes a certain personality combination to sell. To sell the product, all you have to do is sell the salesperson on the product they offer. That can be taught whereas the certain personality traits are much trickier. At this paper you have the right personality traits, so all that is left is brushing up on your teaching skills.

    In fact, I'd look at the whole staff from the management down. You might find some key people, even beyond sales, that can strengthen your station.

    I might approach the manager of the publication to share your thoughts, seeking their suggestions on how and when to approach. The way I'd explain this is you are sorry to learn a quality competitor is leaving the playing field. I'd say since everyone is heavily invested in the local community through their jobs and potentially may need to uproot their families as a result by moving elsewhere, you feel it is important to state you represent a potential option only because they were such a great competitor that did right by their clients. In other words, you respect what they do and would love to find a place for them if they chose to bring their work investment to radio. I'd add your station will be invested in making it an easy and successful transition.

  • May 7, 2018 5:22 AM PDT

    I agree Rebecca,

    There is opportunity there. Yes, approach the accounts that now need a viable vehicle to reach consumers. When you connect with them you'll need to have something more than Radio spots to offer them. Do you have Digital? If so, that is the new hot button for a great deal of retailers today. If you don't offer Digital, you should start because Cable, Newspaper and what we used to refer to as the Yellow Pages, have jumped all over Digital. Digital may be the ticket to save Radio.   

    As for their sales staff?

    If you have a need of qualified sales people, sure but do you really have the time to train a team of folks who may never have sold Radio or Digital before? If they approach you for a job, then sure talk with them and see what they bring to the table.